Vine Cycle Wine Selections - representing regions, appellations and family wineries

What Vine Cycle Represents



Vine Cycle Wine Selections recognizes the many challenges that growers, winemakers and distributors face due to shifts in climate and market forces — today and in the years and decades ahead.

As conveyed in our name, Vine Cycle bases its philosophy on respect for the cycles of nature. We honor the vine's annual growth processes and deeply respect the hand in hand hard work and dedication it takes to produce wine each year. Our mission is to partner with the appellations, regions, villages and farmers that make wine possible.

Having had the good fortune to be introduced to skiing at an early age, and later to cycling, we developed a special affinity to Alpine areas and climates. This connection, in tandem with our subsequent years of experience in the restaurant and wine industry, has shaped who we are today. Accordingly, the food and wine from cooler regions with higher altitudes and less alcohol are Vine Cycle’s culinary and enological focus.